Caroline County Public School Division overall fails to make adequate yearly progress (AYP)…

and only two schools (Bowling Green Primary and Bowling Green Elementary) made adequate yearly progress period. Meanwhile, 72% of the schools in Virginia did make AYP.

PDFs for the schools:

Apparently, $34,832,460 (operating budget only) isn’t enough money for Caroline County Public Schools. Am I the only one that thinks we need vouchers? They spent $7,952.68 per student last year; with that amount of money you could send your child to Fredericksburg Christian Schools and have between $722.68 and $1814.68 (depending on grade) left over.

5 thoughts on “Caroline County Public School Division overall fails to make adequate yearly progress (AYP)…”

  1. 72% of the schools did make adequate yearly progress (AYP), only 26% failed to make AYP (with 2% still to be determined), which means that four of the six schools in Caroline are in the bottom quartile (25%). Got to love the smell of success…

  2. And yet, I was at the PTA meeting tonight at Ladysmith Elementary, and my opponent for school board handed out brochures saying it was the “latest information on AYP” and it said ALL Caroline County schools made AYP- but if you actually READ what he handed out, it was from LAST YEAR! I guess the best way to answer the oproblem is to deny it exists!!!! Plus, how did they claim that, when we are now hearing that Caroline Middle did not pass for the FOURTH consecutive year!!! Figures dont lie, but liars can figure!

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