So much for this “safe haven”.

The Free Lance–Star: Caroline skaters finally have place of their own

Check out the pictures (and the comments). Not a helmet or knee/elbow pad to be seen.

And there’s the problem of civil liability: I can just imagine the $100,000,000 lawsuit after some moron cracks his head open.

At the very least, if the county put a sign up that said “Helmets Required” and even if they had no one there to enforce it, it would at least provide some CYA. But instead, they have people invited for an official function with no helmets and/or pads on.

And for history with lawsuits because of skateboard parks: N.J. appeals court: parents can’t waive kids’ rights:

A New Jersey appellate panel, split 2-1, has ruled that parents can’t sign a legally binding waiver of their kids’ right to sue a skateboard park for injuries. And kids can’t sign such a waiver either.

“Stoned Skater Can Sue County”:

[…] a California court of appeals has reinstated 17-year-old Angelo Seaver’s suit against Santa Cruz county, which a trial judge had thrown out. While stoned on pot one moonless night Seaver had gone skateboarding in a public park after closing and crashed into a gate.

UPDATE: And why is the county spending $45,000 on a skateboard park when our schools are in such terrible shape? They fix those bathrooms yet? 66% of the schools fail to make adequate yearly progress, they have the lowest SAT scores in the region, and the priority is a skateboard park.

UPDATE #2: LOL, the county website has even more pictures of the kids using the park without helmets. Bravo, Caroline, Bravo.

FYI, here’s what Ashland says about their park:

The park is intended for use at one’s own risk. For that reason, take note of the following statements:


  • The Town of Ashland does not assume responsibility for injuries that may occur to people using the park’s equipment.
  • For safety reasons, the Town of Ashland recommends that all those who use the park and its equipment should wear appropriate safety gear, which includes: helmet, elbow pads and kneepads. This gear should be in good condition and accompanied by the wearing of shirts and soft soled shoes.


Access to the Park

In addition to following the park rules, all skaters, or legal guardians of skaters under eighteen (18), must read and sign the Assumption of Risk Waiver and Indemnity Agreement form. The waiver will be submitted to the Police Department, and the skater will be issued a number to display on their board or helmet. The Town reserves the right to deny access to any skater who has not submitted the Assumption of Risk Waiver and Indemnity Agreement form.

Here’s what Culpeper says about their park:

The following items and activities are strictly prohibited in all Town parks:


  • Skateboarding or bicycling without a helmet;


The Town requires all skaters to wear a protective helmet and to purchase a sticker from the Town and to sign. Skaters aged 18 and above and parents of minor children must sign an Assumption of Risk Waiver and Indemnity Agreement. The Town Police Department has officers assigned to the skate park who will enforce the rules and regulations of the facility.


  • All skaters are required to wear appropriate safety equipment. An approved helmet with chinstrap is MANDATORY. Elbow and knee protection are also required – either with pads or by clothing which covers knees and elbows. The use of a mouthpiece is recommended.

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