FYI: I fully support Aqua Virginia’s proposed rate increase.

Why? Because I love a profitable company. I really love companies that make obscene profits.

In fact, if I had a single spare cent to my name, I would be inquiring about buying some stock in Aqua Virginia (assuming that they provide a regular cash dividend).

But do not fret Aqua Virginia customers, in a year or two President Obama and his newly founded Unification Board will ensure that those evil owners of Aqua are not making any profit. And I am sure folks like Delegate Chris Peace, Supervisors Wayne Acors and Floyd Thomas, and The Caroline Progress will be celebrating.

But — hopefully — by that time, the people at Aqua will have gone on strike and the customers of Aqua will be dying of thirst, unable to take a shower, and their lawns will be dead.

Midas Watson

More on Caroline County’s debt: Well, actually Mr. Chairman…

Floyd Thomas at the October 14, 2008, Board of Supervisors meeting (side question: Why does it take the county eight business days to post the Board video?):

[flv: 320 240]

First, several of the jurisdictions surrounding Caroline County — Hanover, Spotsylvania, and Stafford counties, for example — have populations, and corresponding tax bases, that are four to five times higher than Caroline.

Second, Caroline County’s current debt is $58,366,658 (that’s just principal) with a projected debt service of $92,630,740 (that would the total payment for the principal and interest). The current proposal is to borrow more money, which would mean the county would owe $68,557,505 in principal, with a total debt service of $108,621,556.

Third, Caroline County’s $58 million of debt and King George County’s $64 million, Orange County’s $53 million, Powhatan County’s $84 million, and Warren County’s $100 million of debt — and their ability to handle the debt — are completely different.

King George County is the only one of those named counties that has a lower population and a lower tax base than Caroline County.

As for the others:

For 2007, the United States Census Bureau provided the following population estimates:

  • Caroline County: 27,282
  • Orange County: 32,492 (19% more than Caroline)
  • Powhatan County: 27,817 (2% more than Caroline)
  • Warren County: 36,294 (33% more than Caroline)

In 2005, according to the 2008-2010 Composite Index (PDF), the counties had the following assessed true value of property (a measure of total property values in the county):

  • Caroline County: $3,397,577,423
  • Orange County: $4,339,437,441 (28% more than Caroline)
  • Powhatan County: $3,013,552,182 (11% less than Caroline)
  • Warren County: $4,890,626,882 (44% more than Caroline)

Also in 2005 (Ibid), the counties had the following adjusted gross income in the county:

  • Caroline County: $511,932,206
  • Orange County: $735,062,134 (44% more than Caroline)
  • Powhatan County: $684,856,006 (34% more than Caroline)
  • Warren County: $800,320,331 (56% more than Caroline)

Again, in 2005 (Ibid), the counties had the following taxable retail sales:

  • Caroline County: $94,767,567
  • Orange County: $183,939,921 (94% more than Caroline)
  • Powhatan County: $119,543,492 (26% more than Caroline)
  • Warren County: $224,505,469 (137% more than Caroline)

I think those counties are a heck of a lot more able to handle their debt than Caroline County…

Good job ignoring the fact that Jeff Sili violated the Code of Virginia. And other stupidity from this week’s BOS meeting.

What, that’s the second or third time, right? It’s hard to keep track.

The Caroline County Board of Supervisors approved the rezoning of Belmont North 3–2 on Tuesday night. Supervisors Bobby Popowicz, Maxie Rozell, and Chairman Floyd Thomas voted to approve while Supervisors Wayne Acors and Jeff Sili voted against the rezoning.

Wayne Acors had his reasons (too much development in that area already); but Jeff Sili employed a logical fallacy (imagine that!) of a slippery slope argument stating that, “if we approve Belmont North, we have to also approve this 600 house subdivision working its way through the planning commission!”, instead of addressing Belmont North on its own merits.

As Chairman Floyd Thomas pointed out, the Code of Virginia requires that a rezoning/special exemption request or permit be accessed individually and on its own merits. To do otherwise is a violation of the Code of Virginia.

Here’s how The Free Lance–Fish Wrap wrote it up:

Supervisors Wayne Acors and Jeff Sili argued the board should not be creating more home sites when it has thousands of unbuilt residential lots and more development proposals in the pipeline.

Actually, Wayne Acors did not argue the second point. If you had paid attention, you would heard him say he thought there was too much development in that area already and not that were any other rezoning applicants coming forward.


He [Jeff Sili] also referenced another rezoning request by a different developer for more than 600 homes that is under review by the Planning Commission.

Sili noted that while he should consider the proposal based on its own merits, he was looking at the bigger picture, including other proposals.

“I don’t think we can fool ourselves by saying we are looking at one development,” he said.


[Chairman Floyd] Thomas [who represents the district the proposed rezoning is in] said he was going to look at the proposal individually. He noted tangible benefits to the county, such as the fire station.

“I can’t worry about what the next project or the next development is,” he said.


[Bobby] Popowicz said the Sealys went “above and beyond” to make their proposal attractive to the county.

To say the least.

The county’s stated proffer policy is $17,632.36 per house.

The Sealys proffered over $12,800,000 (if I remember the number correctly) for Belmont North which is a 530 home development. That’s over $24,150 per house. That’s 36% more than the county’s stated policy!

Included in that proffer is the land for, and the design and the construction of a new fire station that must been completed within 30 months.

There’s the 20 acres for the school at a mutually agreed upon location with the Sealys providing soil testing to the county for free.

Improvements to the roads in the area.

Berms and barriers next to existing land owners above and beyond the county’s stated policy on berms and barriers.

Prepayments to the county’s utility system that will pay for the borrowing on the infrastructure for the system for the next three years.

But that’s too technical for The Fish Wrap to mention, after all, they had to make space in that story for the important and pressing information that golf carts can now be used on public roads in the Caroline Pines subdivision.

Yeah, folks, that’s the hard news coming out of the Caroline County Board of Supervisors meeting this week.