A Festivus miracle! Obama picks Joe Biden as veep!

This is a great decision — if his plans were to help the Republicans this year.

If Obama isn’t the personification of narcissism, then Biden definitely is.

Case in point, from The WaPo:

One of the most overlooked episodes during the 1987 collapse of Biden’s [Presidential] campaign was a snippet of footage captured by C-Span in which the Delaware senator, in response to a question about where he went to law school and what sort of grades he received, delivered this classic line: “I think I have a much higher IQ than you do.”

While any human being — especially a candidate for president who is constantly being poked and prodded — can be forgiven a momentary flash of temper, Biden’s detractors point to that incident as evidence that the senator thinks he is the bee’s knees and doesn’t care who knows it.

Biden, by his own admission, has the capacity to fall in love with his own voice and wander off on tangents about his life that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.

During the 2006 confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, the Post’s Dana Milbank wrote this of Biden’s performance:

“Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., in his first 12 minutes of questioning the nominee, managed to get off only one question. Instead, during his 30-minute round of questioning, Biden spoke about his own Irish American roots, his “Grandfather Finnegan,” his son’s application to Princeton (he attended the University of Pennsylvania instead, Biden said), a speech the senator gave on the Princeton campus, the fact that Biden is “not a Princeton fan,” and his views on the eyeglasses of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).”

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